Saturday, February 12, 2011

how could you not love this month?

Ah yes. The month of love... for some. We don't take this month real serious around here, but I don't let too many occasions that I can use to bake, make and spoil! So we got busy!
First I hit the sewing machine and made some silly and fun things for Valentine fun for my etsy shop.
That was fun but time was getting away from me and the kids and I needed to start on the delicious part of valentines day!
Christmas and Valentine's Day are my favorite sugar cookie holidays, though there's never a bad time to make cookies!

Joy helped roll out and cut. Then when all was done we started her favorite part of decorating! I kept it simple this time:

Yes, 20 month and 4 year old sprinkling cookies can get a little out of hand, but nothing a warm wet rag and a broom can't handle.

Then I was ready to do what I know my special Valentine would love the best. Peanut Butter Bon-Bons.
Five years ago or so I decided to make them into hearts instead of balls. I submitted a photo to allrecipes, so yes, the heart ones there are mine! But the one posted here is a new photo :)
I follow the recipe but then quickly mash the mixture flat (about 1 inch thick). I used a mat this time but last time I greased a glass pan.  Then I used the smallest heart shaped cookie cutter to cut them out gently then smoothed the creases with my fingers. The left over I ball up in about 1in balls. Then freeze and I use toothpicks to dip into chocolate.  The recipe calls for a very small amount of chocolate...I use at least a whole bag of chips (12oz).

Isaac trying to grab another "sample."

Then I was off to package up these treats. This was just as much fun thanks to a favorite blog of mine that I found thanks to my mom. She highlights 10 other blogs every Tuesday with a theme. This passed Tuesday was candybar wrappers and I loved the Udaman wrapper and used it to wrap around my bon bons (hubby doesn't eat chocolate bars but I oh so wanted to us the wrapper!). I also used some of her other featured "wrappers." I'm not the most creative or proffesional when it comes to things but I try! I used an old salad container for my cookies and then covered the clamshell lid with my own label.  I think it worked just fine! What cheap packaging!!

For the bon bons I used treat bags that I got a year ago for Christmas. They work great, are cheap, and look pretty! Then covered them in the chocolate wrapper I printed.

Valentine's Day is just a great day to go just a little farther (and a good excuse to cheat on those new year's resolutions) to spoil those who you love.
I was especially motivated because I had been reading some devotionals by Girlfriends in God, a great daily devotional online (for any guys that may have suffered this far ready my blog- Crosswalk has other great devos you would enjoy).  They've been talking about the importance of respecting and loving our Husbands. I  really enjoy what they put out and suggest them!

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Will you be mailing me some of those bon-bons? (kidding...sort of)

  2. Those bon-bons look SO good. I am going to attempt to make some sugar-free (or mostly sugar-free; there will be a little from the chocolate) peanut butter cups for David for Valentine's... Um. I think I'm WAY over-doing it on the chocolates for him this year. OOPS! It's fun to get carried away though. Right now I've got semi-heart shaped (I was in a rush) chocolate covered bacon crumbles in the freezer hardening up; had to hurry while David was in the shower so it could be a surprise come Monday! Ha.

    You're making me want to get crafty again. Hmm...

  3. well Darc, do I have an address. I may just have a square to spare :).

    Meg- thank you :) and I'm sure your chocolates are delish! If they're anywhere near as good as your cake then I'm sure they're wonderful. Thanks for making me feel so unhealthy! lol jk

  4. Mmmmm, I'm hungry! Your treats look so good. Sugar cookies are so good... any time of year! And your packaging is so fun! I should've dug out my heart-shaped cookie cutter and made some yummy treats for valentines day. :D
